
Monday, October 15, 2012

President's Message - October

It has been my experience over the years that employees do their best work when they are energized, healthy and motivated. The keys to their performance seem to be their level of job satisfaction as well as their physical and mental health. As the season changes I am reminded that with shorter days, colder temperatures and radical weather swings, illness increases and energy levels decline. Add into that the stress factors of life in a world that constantly resonates with hostility, anxiety and controversy. In the past we have just assumed that absenteeism will increase and productivity will be on the decline. We had little control over any of this.

This year we anticipate a positive change.

In April we instituted a fitness program which provides an opportunity for every employee, should they choose to participate. I purchased little "gizmos" called FITBITs for the entire staff. These amazing little devices not only record the number of steps taken, as does a pedometer, but also record intensity of activity, number of stairs climbed and mileage covered. They upload the information into a private group information center at www.fitbit.com where the staff can view everyone's individual progress.

With this tool we have created competitions and prizes for everything from mileage to increased activity. I also engaged a local CrossFit company, CrossFit Envy (www.crossfitenvy.com) to provide training at lunchtime twice a week. The result is a new energy in the company, weight loss and camaraderie. And as a byproduct, we're seeing improved health habits spilling over to family members as well. I have seen a few employees accomplish amazing changes and weight loss. The encouragement of a group keeps many of us on track when alone we may have lost interest.

In today's world where I often feel powerless to change anything or improve our collective lives, I have felt extremely rewarded that my investment has paid off. In fact, each month the participation increases and the goals are higher.

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