
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How Dan Is Getting in Shape with CLAS's Wellness Program

CLAS Wellness Dan image
CLAS is proud to shine the spotlight this month on Dan McVicker, our senior Service Representative Support administrator. During his 11-year tenure, Dan has held several positions including runner, and has handled a variety of responsibilities, such as online ordering and UCC filings and searches.

Since CLAS rolled out its new fitness program, Dan has been a determined participant. Even before that he was committed to losing weight by making significant changes to his diet. Dan admits that in the past staying motivated to exercise had been a challenge. But CLAS's on-site exercise option, provided by Crossfit Envy, makes it convenient enough that he has been able to stick with it.Dan also appreciates the encouragement he and other participants give each other.

Dan lost 50 pounds before Thanksgiving, but he's allowing himself to break away from his low-carb diet over the holidays when he'll be visiting family. He says, "I try not to be obsessive about my diet, especially over the holidays. I've found that it's good to plan certain days that I'm going to 'cheat,' since that allows me to be sociable. But in the past, where I might have lost hope after 'cheating,' I now know that even if I go off my diet now and then, I can stick with the exercising and keep on track."

Another aspect of the program that Dan likes is the individualized approach Judy Kahler takes with rewards. Instead of setting the same goal for everyone, she often has her team members choose their own for a month and then awards prizes based on meeting them. Dan says, "This lets me focus on one area for a while, and then decide later if I need to re-visit it. It lets me experiment with what works for me and what doesn't."

Congratulations, Dan!

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